Payment Gateways allows automatic/online funding of wallet for your users.
They include Flutterwave, Monnify and Paystack!
On this series you will be learning how to integrate monnify:
1. Active Vtupress Subscription/Plan and Plugin
2. An active monnify account. You can login or register here
Getting your Monnify credentials (Public, Secret Key, Contract Code).
1. Upon login navigate to settings on the bottom left corner of the dashboard.
2. Navigate to API Keys & Contracts > Copy your public , secret key and Contract Code:
3. Go to Vtupress > Settings > Payments > Payment-Gateway > Select Monnify as your preferred gateway | then enter your copied Public , Secret key and contract code respectively:
NOTE: In the Monnify Test Mode – Choose [False] when launching your site.
4. Copy Your Webhook from your site as displayed above on the image to monnify webhook url:
In this case the complete webhook url is []
Enter the copied webhook in paystack webhook url field.
5. SAVE:
That’s All!
DO Not Use Test Keys when you’re launching your website. make sure your api keys are live and make sure you save every changes you make.